Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution. <> #3
Hello! Sorry to bring up this issue after almost a year but I wanted to add that we have chosen metric identifier as but autoscaling didnt work out for us either. It would be appraciated if you can guide us. <> <> #4
Hi, at the moment we are using the cpu_utilization/target_utilization attribute (in app.yaml) for autoscaling in the app engine flexible environment, however it would be great if we can have the way to mention the memory_utilization metrics as well to decide on the auto scaling. It will give us more control of the auto scaling the instances than now. <> #5
Hi, I do not see any memory metrics in neither console nor stackdriver. Is this connected to this issue? <> #6
Hello Google team, I was directed to this issue by the support team when we raised concerns around the non availability of memory metrics for Auto Scaling. Is this feature 'released' or in roadmap or not considered ? Please provide some details around this
Problem you have encountered:
Adding parameters to the dashboards URL does not filter by its label. This would make access to certain resources faster in case of urgency.
When accessing a URL {1}, it changes the parameters for '("t":"All")'.
What you expected to happen:
Using a URL like {1} shows the dashboards page after filtering dashboards with label 'lab'
Steps to reproduce:
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
When the dashboards are filtered by label starting from the main dashboards page, the URL adds these parameters.