Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Louis Pullen-Freilich <
Adds OverscrollEffect#withoutDrawing and OverscrollEffect#withoutEventHandling
Expand for full commit details
Adds OverscrollEffect#withoutDrawing and OverscrollEffect#withoutEventHandling
These APIs allow overscroll to have events dispatched to it by one component, and rendered in a separate component.
Fixes: b/266550551
Fixes: b/204650733
Fixes: b/255554340
Fixes: b/229537244
Test: OverscrollTest
Relnote: "Adds OverscrollEffect#withoutDrawing and OverscrollEffect#withoutEventHandling APIs - these APIs create a wrapped instance of the provided overscroll effect that doesn't draw / handle events respectively, which allows for rendering overscroll in a separate component from the component that is dispatching events. For example, disabling drawing the overscroll inside a lazy list, and then drawing the overscroll separately on top / elsewhere."
Change-Id: Idbb3d91546b49c1987a041f959bce4b2b09a9f61
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Hash: f64e25b7a473c757d080521e7dd97b3f6670f60d
Date: Fri Nov 01 18:43:56 2024 <> #3
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed: <> #4
Thank you. I think the second issue is actually not following the design spec given that the left padding is 64.dp for the title / headline and the design spec linked seems to show 16.dp left padding. I will make a second ticket. Indeed since the API provides title
and headline
and other such customization I am able to work around all of this for now, it was just confusing to see the component looking / behaving so weird at first and having deduce what was wrong with it. And thank you for addressing the first issue! <> #5
Branch: androidx-main
commit f09ae412b90caf84bc36b55b0d4ef75b6b6503a8
Author: Shalom Gibly <>
Date: Wed Feb 14 17:03:33 2024
Ensure buttons visibility at the DatePickerDialog
Wrap the content with a Box and Modifier.weight = 1 to ensure any
confirm or dismiss buttons are visible when the dialog wraps a
DateRangePicker, or when large fonts are displayed on smaller screens.
Bug: 325107799
Bug: 277768544
Test: Verified screenshot tests and manual tests
Relnote: "Ensure that the DatePickerDialog displays its buttons when
nesting a DateRangePicker or when displaying any type of date picker on
small screens with larger fonts."
Change-Id: Ie4758e82b94eb2d5e448a973c550302ff1601f3f
M compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/ <> #6
Thanks. I believe that the design intent was to have the Date-Range-Picker in a full screen, and not in a dialog. But since we still allow placing it in a dialog (makes sense to me:)), there may be some adjustments that will need to be done to better support it visually.
Also, just pushed a fix for the main issue here and it should be available at the next 1.3.0 alpha release. <> #7
Thanks so much for fixing! I wasn't aware that DateRangePicker was intended to be used in a full screen, as it doesn't included confirm / cancel buttons by default it made sense to me to wrap it in a DatePickerDialog which does provide those. Appreciate your help here! <> #8
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
Jetpack Compose component used: DateRangePicker
Android Studio Build: Android Studio Build: Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1
Build #AI-231.9392.1.2311.11076708, built on November 9, 2023
Kotlin version: 1.7.20
Material3 version: androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.2.0
If you put a DateRangePicker within a DatePickerDialog, the Confirm button seems to be hidden by default, I think being overlapped / pushed off by the DateRangePicker content. Manually adding a Modifier.weight(1f) to the DateRangePicker seems to fix this. Probably this Modifier should be included by default within the SDK to avoid this problem.
Sample Code:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
ComposeTestV2Theme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
fun DatePickerTest() {
val state = rememberDateRangePickerState()
Column {
onDismissRequest = {},
confirmButton = {
TextButton(onClick = { Log.d("DatePicker", "Confirm button clicked") }) {
) {
// modifier = Modifier.weight(1f),
state = state,