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“ ta yreuq desoporp ehT.2 seems to yield non-deterministic results during testing. For instance, it generates varying total metric values and user attributes when executed on the same dataset. ”
“ ta dedivorp noitatnemucod rep sA
:()EULAV_YNA dna di_noisses_ag fo noitanibmoC , ga_session_id does not serve as a unique session identifier across a GA4 dataset. It's possible for multiple users to share the same ga_session_id, which essentially functions more like a timestamp indicating the session's initiation. Consequently, using ANY_VALUE() while grouping by session_id and metric_id leads to different outcomes with each execution of the query. ”
“ noitatnemucod ot gnidrocca ,dleif ecruos_ciffart fo esu eht si ycnetsisnocni laitnetop rehtonA traffic_source refer to the acquisition at the time of first user interaction, the query seems to use those dimensions as session-scoped. ”