Status Update
Comments <> #2
i am using these dependencies for the map
// Maps SDK for Android KTX Library implementation ''
// Maps SDK for Android Utility Library KTX Library
implementation ''
implementation '' implementation '' implementation ''
and also getting some map sdk error as well dab File created: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 dab Couldn't create marker: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_2 dab Marker deleted: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 <> #3
Thank you for posting.
We are currently looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an update. <> #4
Thank you for waiting.
We'll need some more details to troubleshoot this issue - please provide the following, in particular steps to reproduce the issue:
Put together a simplified reproduction case ( ) and add it to a git hosting provider (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities: -
List steps to reproduce the problem
- Maps SDK client library version (used to build your app):
- Maps renderer (Latest or Legacy):
- Devices you have verified this issue on:
- Google Play Services version on the device:
- Android version:
- Manufacturer and model:
- Was this working correctly on a previous version of Google Play Services? (If yes, which client library and SDK version?)
Attach the following:
- screenshots
- sample code
- an APK if possible.
Complete stacktrace when the issue occurs <> #5
Correct - were you able to run the provided sample without the Google Services plugin (and without the google-servicss.json) and reproduce the issue by switching latest to legacy?
The provided sample is as minimal of an example I can make and I still see the issue.
Let me know if there is more information I can provide. I'd be happy to do so. <> #6
Thank you for waiting and we really appreciate the sample app you have provided.
We have verified that the issue only happens with the LATEST renderer when testing out your provided sample app. We have now logged this issue internally. Please note that we cannot give you any timelines, but you can star the issue to get notifications. <> #7
Thanks for waiting.
Our engineers have confirmed that this issue have a similar stack trace with
Additionally, our engineers confirmed that this bug should not prevent the LATEST
renderer from loading the map as I have mentioned in
But with that said, I hope this has been helpful. Thank you for your continual support for raising this! <> #8
Thanks for the update. I'll keep an eye on <> #9
Apologies for marking this as duplicate of
As we have mentioned on <> <> <> #10
I'm still seeing this issue with the sample app referenced above. This set of logs is generated in Logcat when running on a Pixel 8 when using the legacy render - the map loads correctly:
2024-06-22 13:39:17.761 24448-24448 MapsInitializer [packagename] D preferredRenderer: LEGACY
2024-06-22 13:39:17.762 24448-24448 zzcc [packagename] D preferredRenderer: LEGACY
2024-06-22 13:39:17.763 24448-24448 zzcc [packagename] I Making Creator dynamically
2024-06-22 13:39:17.766 24448-24448 DynamiteModule [packagename] I Considering local module and remote module
2024-06-22 13:39:17.766 24448-24448 DynamiteModule [packagename] I Selected remote version of, version >= 203115000
2024-06-22 13:39:17.766 24448-24448 DynamiteModule [packagename] V Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
2024-06-22 13:39:17.780 24448-24448 System [packagename] W ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
2024-06-22 13:39:17.782 24448-24448 nativeloader [packagename] D Configuring clns-8 for other apk . target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~OEAmKwxce55eG85y8mzK1A==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
2024-06-22 13:39:17.847 24448-24448 Google Maps Android API [packagename] I Google Play services client version: 18020000
2024-06-22 13:39:17.856 24448-24499 [packagename] [packagename] W Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/VMStack;->getStackClass2()Ljava/lang/Class; (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
2024-06-22 13:39:17.858 24448-24448 Google Maps Android API [packagename] I Google Play services package version: 242213038
2024-06-22 13:39:17.858 24448-24448 Google Maps Android API [packagename] I Google Play services maps renderer version(legacy): 203115000
2024-06-22 13:39:17.916 24448-24448 MapsInitializer [packagename] D loadedRenderer: LEGACY
2024-06-22 13:39:17.954 24448-24448 [packagename] [packagename] W Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
2024-06-22 13:39:17.965 24448-24448 MapsInitializer [packagename] D preferredRenderer: null
2024-06-22 13:39:17.965 24448-24448 zzcc [packagename] D preferredRenderer: null
2024-06-22 13:39:17.966 24448-24448 Google Maps Android API [packagename] I Google Play services package version: 242213038
2024-06-22 13:39:17.966 24448-24448 Google Maps Android API [packagename] I Google Play services maps renderer version(legacy): 203115000
This set of logs is generated in Logcat when running on a Pixel 8 when using the latest render - the map does not load:
2024-06-22 13:34:49.065 23474-23474 MapsInitializer [packagename] D preferredRenderer: LATEST
2024-06-22 13:34:49.065 23474-23474 zzcc [packagename] D preferredRenderer: LATEST
2024-06-22 13:34:49.066 23474-23474 zzcc [packagename] I Making Creator dynamically
2024-06-22 13:34:49.068 23474-23474 DynamiteModule [packagename] I Considering local module and remote module
2024-06-22 13:34:49.068 23474-23474 DynamiteModule [packagename] I Selected remote version of, version >= 241610202
2024-06-22 13:34:49.068 23474-23474 DynamiteModule [packagename] V Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
2024-06-22 13:34:49.075 23474-23474 System [packagename] W ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
2024-06-22 13:34:49.075 23474-23474 nativeloader [packagename] D Configuring clns-8 for other apk . target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~OEAmKwxce55eG85y8mzK1A==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
2024-06-22 13:34:49.125 23474-23474 Google Android Maps SDK [packagename] I Google Play services client version: 18020000
2024-06-22 13:34:49.138 23474-23474 Google Android Maps SDK [packagename] I Google Play services package version: 242213038
2024-06-22 13:34:49.138 23474-23474 Google Android Maps SDK [packagename] I Google Play services maps renderer version(maps_core): 241610202
2024-06-22 13:34:49.175 23474-23474 MapsInitializer [packagename] D loadedRenderer: LATEST
2024-06-22 13:34:49.224 23474-23474 [packagename] [packagename] W Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
2024-06-22 13:34:49.235 23474-23474 MapsInitializer [packagename] D preferredRenderer: null
2024-06-22 13:34:49.235 23474-23474 zzcc [packagename] D preferredRenderer: null
2024-06-22 13:34:49.238 23474-23474 Google Android Maps SDK [packagename] I Google Play services package version: 242213038
2024-06-22 13:34:49.238 23474-23474 Google Android Maps SDK [packagename] I Google Play services maps renderer version(maps_core): 241610202
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information - I'm happy to do so. <> #11
It seems that lack of hardware acceleration is the cause of this.
When android:hardwareAccelerated="false"
is set for the activity in the manifest, the map loads with a grey screen when using the LATEST
When android:hardwareAccelerated="true"
is set, the map loads with the LATEST
renderer without issue.
Using renderer documentation ) results in the following exception and prevents a Google Map from loading in an Android application:
with theLATEST
render (as specified in theUsing renderer documentation ) results in the Google Map loading without issue (and no exception being thrown).
with theLEGACY
render (as specified in theWhat steps will reproduce the problem?
works)24.05.15 (190400-607433892)
(I assume this is because it is using the legacy renderer).I am running this on a Pixel 8 via USB debugging. I can also reproduce this on various Android versions via the Android Studio Device Manager/emulator.
I've created a small reproduction app and uploaded to Github . You'll need to supply your own
and Google Maps API key.