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“ eht ni elpmaxe roF .sksat eht rof tuptuo eht revo sekat dna IPA tcafitra eht sa yaw emas eht skrow yrotceriDecruoSdetareneGdda.seirotceriDecruoS addCustomSourceFolders recipe, even though we set the output to a specific location (toml/gen), running the verification task shows that the location is changed to build/generated/toml/debugAddCustomSources. ”
“ eeS) dooh eht rednu no gniog s'tahw dnatsrednu ot selif detareneg nepo ot sresu llet dna krow noitareneg edoc woh nialpxe taht slairotut evah ew ,elpmaxe na roF ). Having the same path for Android and non-Android projects would be less surprising and easier to explain, especially to newcomers. ”