Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have an issue with deployement of app engine flexible with terraform : google_app_engine_flexible_app_version
I always end up with :
The resource 'google_appengine_flexible_internal/' of type 'Guest Attribute' was not found.
The compute engine is created but the deployment failed with this error. The org constraint with disable guest attribute is not on.
I tried the change the role/access : no change
I deployed the same image with gcloud, it works.
Here is the code :
resource "google_app_engine_flexible_app_version" "referentiel_webapp" {
version_id = "v9"
service = "mdv-ref-webapp-api"
runtime = "custom"
delete_service_on_destroy = false
deployment {
zip {
source_url = "
app_yaml_path = "[./app.yaml]"
network {
name = var.network_name
subnetwork = var.subnetwork_name
liveness_check {
path = "/liveness_check"
check_interval= "30s"
timeout= "4s"
failure_threshold= 4
success_threshold= 2
readiness_check {
path = "/readiness_check"
check_interval= "5s"
timeout= "4s"
failure_threshold= 2
success_threshold= 2
automatic_scaling {
cool_down_period = "120s"
cpu_utilization {
target_utilization = 0.5
Thanks in advance for any idea
best regards
Erwan <> <> #3
Thank you for reaching out to us!
This issue seems to be outside of the scope of Issue Tracker. This Issue Tracker is a forum for end users to report bugs and request features on Google Cloud products. Please go through
As you have mentioned I tried the change the role/access : no change. I deployed the same image with gcloud, it works.
It looks like there is not issue at app engine or roles end. you might have missed some part configuration terraform.
I recommend you to
I'm going to close this thread which will no longer be monitored. In case you want to report a new issue, please do not hesitate to create a new Issue Tracker describing your issue.
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