Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hey hughesno1@, when do you add the onPreDrawListener to delay the rendering of activity? Mind providing us with a sample application? <> #3
Nothing was specified to wait for and there are no blocking bugs or pending CLs. For usage information see go/bugjuggler.
Component used: Splash API Version used: 13 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Samsung A6 and Pixel 5 emulator
When the image is not an animated vector drawable, the image will be blurry or pixelated. This is regardless of whether the non-animated image is vector or png. First image is an animated vector on the left, and on the right is the same vector without the animation. Here are the drawable xml files used for that image:
This issue seems to affect google's own apps as well as demonstrated in the second image. Of note, the branding image appears unaffected.