Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
This functionality was released in benchmark 1.2.0-alpha06:
You'll need to use an Android 13 (API 33) emulator, and androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4:1.2.0-alpha06
, which removes the requirement for root, and thus works on Play emulator images. <> #3
@2 This shows the place that it was reported by the sample. Thank you. So things about this:
- This isn't what I was expecting. I expected to see it in the horizontal bars, as each row is of a different thread, and it was said in the current API that you have to use it in current thread.
BTW, even on the UI that you've mentioned I've noticed that many times when I choose to sort by something, it doesn't show all items sorted by it. Sometimes the values are in the incorrect position.
- What I've requested is something different. Look at what happens when you press a button. Above the horizontal bars, there is a circle saying you've pressed something. I wrote to offer an API, to manually call a function:
This API would not need to be in a specific thread, and doesn't require additional call of any kind.
To understand where I was looking about, check attached screenshot, taken from the video. <> #4
Thanks for your clarification. Have you considered beginAsyncSection
and endAsyncSection
APIs from <> #5
@4 The request is for a single event, not a range of start&end. Like logs. One doesn't require another. One doesn't depend on another. Your link says "Must be followed by a call to...". I guess as a workaround, for now, I could use both functions one after another. Is that true? Can you show how it looks like?
Please offer some trace-logs, that will allow us to put events as points, for example I could put "user dragged view", and "reached special UI".
Even when using the "trace" function, I can't find what I've set there.
See attached to understand what I mean.
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