Status Update
Comments <> #2
i am using these dependencies for the map
// Maps SDK for Android KTX Library implementation ''
// Maps SDK for Android Utility Library KTX Library
implementation ''
implementation '' implementation '' implementation ''
and also getting some map sdk error as well dab File created: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 dab Couldn't create marker: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_2 dab Marker deleted: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 <> #3
Thank you for posting.
We are currently looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an update.
Steps to reproduce the problem (including sample code if appropriate).
What happened
What you think the correct behavior should be
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Can you confirm if this issue is reproducible on a Pixel/Nexus device?
Screen Record of the Issue
Bug logcat and ANR trace
you can choice the data/tlog/persist/persist_00000_240204_095014.log in the tar.gz
and you can get the anr trace in data/tlog/fatal/anr which also in the tar.gz
My analysis
Device info