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Comments <> #2
Hey hughesno1@, when do you add the onPreDrawListener to delay the rendering of activity? Mind providing us with a sample application? <> #3 <> #4 <> #5 <> #6
console. As I said, for testing I have a completely empty project with no
There are two versions, one with an initiated splash screen and one
without. both have the same warning message
Am Do., 11. Apr. 2024 um 16:09 Uhr schrieb <>: <> #7
Thanks for sharing. I reviewed your with splash video and since the second screen is a plain background with text this could be a second splash screen from the detection's perspective. Once you build out a fuller UI with something for the user to interact with it should go away, like a button. <> <> #8
FWIW we pushed a new version of our app and still got this warning (my original comment said we did not get the warning, but I realized that I just missed it, but it was still there). I've attached the video from the warning. It seems like the splash screen was shown a lot more quickly than I normally see so not sure if there's some timing expected that was different here which set off the warning. We are not doing any delaying of the Splashscreen or anything like that. <> #9 <> #10
Also another issue with Google Play Services. <> #11
Google sent us a screenshot of the splashscreen with the app icon. (@mipmap/ic_launcher), we no longer use this icon on the home screen, but another one that is in @drawable/logo.
That's why I don't understand what's happening.
How should we disable the splashscreen with the default app icon?
Could anyone fix it?
Thanks <> #12
Happy to help if you need more cases where this happens.
Duplicate Splash Screen When starting the app on Android 12 or higher, two splash screens are displayed. Update your app to use the SplashScreen API to fix the issue.
The details provided are: "The crawler detected an empty or custom splash screen in your app that is displayed after the system splash screen when starting the app on Android 12 or higher. Two splash screens are displayed.
Update your app to use the SplashScreen API to fix the issue."
The problem here is that I don't even have a splash screen; I only have a single activity, and the documentation isn't necessarily helpful either:
I've been searching for almost a week and haven't found any solution. Can someone please help me, or can I simply ignore this message?
I added android:launchMode="singleTask" to the Manifest,
added the following, even though I don't have a Splash Screen: implementation 'androidx.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.1',
and added the following in themes.xml: true
I found the following here, but it doesn't apply to my app: Play Console Pre-Launch Warning "Double splash screen"
All without success.