Status Update
Comments <> #2
Automated by Blunderbuss job workspace-devrel-public-issue-tracker-blunderbuss-autoassigner for component 191635. <> #3
Okay I figured out that it works when I set a deployment ID instead of a ScriptID as target in the API request. So that's great, but the problem remains:
I get 500 Error when trying to deploy a script from the API using projects.deployments.create method.
It seems to work if the target script already has a deployment, I can create a new one from the API
But it doesn't work if the script hasn't been deployed (500 Error) and that's problematic, cause the idea is to remove human operation.
Thanks for the help
I get 500 Error when trying to deploy a script from the API using projects.deployments.create method.
It seems to work if the target script already has a deployment, I can create a new one from the API
But it doesn't work if the script hasn't been deployed (500 Error) and that's problematic, cause the idea is to remove human operation.
Thanks for the help
Hello everyone
I apologize in advance for the amount of "Apps Scripts" (AS for short). Keep in mind the difference between Apps Script projects ( and the Apps Script API.
The general idea is to be able to create AS projects, write functions inside and execute them, all from a 'parent' AS project.
After confirming that there was no AS-specific method for creating new AS projects (other than by hand), I recently managed to get the AS API working from within an AS project.
The projects.create method works great for creating new projects.
The projects.updateContent method works great for writing code inside newly created projects.
However, I'm having trouble using the method to try and execute functions contained in new projects from the API
Here is how I tried to get it working:
What I did
I made sure that every authorization is allowed in the scopes, the AS API is activated in the whole Google Cloud Project, all the AS Projects are part of the same GCP. The actual target function works fine by itself, it is a very simple test function.