Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> <> <> #3
With aosp/3052862 it's possible to suppress warnings with:
baselineProfile {
warnings {
* Controls the warning for when the Android Gradle Plugin version is higher than the max
* tested one.
maxAgpVersion = false
* Controls the warning for when a benchmark or baseline profile variant has been disabled.
disabledVariants = false
* Controls the warning printed when invoking `generateBaselineProfile` with AGP 8.0, that
* does not support running instrumentation tests for multiple build types at once.
multipleBuildTypesWithAgp80 = false
* Controls the warning printed when no baseline profile are generated after running
* the generate baseline profile command.
noBaselineProfileRulesGenerated = false
* Controls the warning printed when no startup profile are generated after running
* the generate baseline profile command.
noStartupProfileRulesGenerated = false
This change should be in the next 1.3.0 alpha version. <> #4
Branch: androidx-main
commit 970f828d52d060bdb9908083bd3b7c291687f00b
Author: Marcello Albano <>
Date: Mon Apr 22 11:29:32 2024
Added suppressWarnings options to Baseline Profile Gradle Plugin
Test: ./gradlew :benchmark:benchmark-baseline-profile-gradle-plugin:test
Bug: 331237001
Relnote: Added DSL to disable warnings
Change-Id: Ic4deb86fc3b91a31854053f19581e9798e43cbd6
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/BaselineProfileConsumerExtension.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/BaselineProfileConsumerPlugin.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/task/GenerateBaselineProfileTask.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/task/MergeBaselineProfileTask.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/utils/AgpPlugin.kt
A benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/utils/BaselineProfilePluginLogger.kt
A benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/utils/WarningsExtension.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/BaselineProfileConsumerPluginTest.kt <> <> #5
Does not seem to work for me using these (using latest Koala canary, hence the alpha plugins):
plugins {
id '' version '8.6.0-alpha02' apply false
id '' version '8.6.0-alpha02' apply false
id '' version '8.6.0-alpha02' apply false
id 'androidx.baselineprofile' version '1.3.0-alpha05' apply false
and in the app's build.gradle
baselineProfile {
warnings {
maxAgpVersion = false
Running gradle generateReleaseBaselineProfile
I still get:
> Configure project :<redacted>
This version of the Baseline Profile Gradle Plugin was tested with versions below Android
Gradle Plugin version Android Gradle Plugin version 8.6.0-alpha01 and it may not work as intended.
Current version is Android Gradle Plugin version 8.6.0-alpha02.
This warning can be disabled setting the following property:
baselineProfile {
warnings {
maxAgpVersion = false
Moreover the baseline profile module does not recognize the warnings
block at all.
If I specify it in its build.gradle
I get:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':<redacted>:baselineprofile'.
> Could not find method warnings() for arguments [build_8d5dquia6ug00tolkaqmxgwm3$_run_closure2$_closure11@98db54f] on extension 'baselineProfile' of type androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.producer.BaselineProfileProducerExtension.
This is weird since the app's module recognize the warnings
block (but it seems inoperative). <> <> #6
Thanks for reporting this.
Found a bug and fixed with maxAgpVersion
Note that the warnings
block can be specified only in the baseline profile consumer (i.e. library or app). <> <> #7
Branch: androidx-main
commit 2e16cf049aadcf74ca52a356aeab0d26ea85f861
Author: Marcello Albano <>
Date: Sat May 18 14:26:24 2024
Fixed max agp version warning always printed
Test: ./gradlew :benchmark:benchmark-baseline-profile-gradle-plugin:test
Bug: 331237001
Change-Id: Ic501bf99e7f231132019b8c11bf37149fa3c02a1
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/BaselineProfileConsumerPlugin.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/utils/AgpPlugin.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/utils/BaselineProfilePluginLogger.kt
M benchmark/baseline-profile-gradle-plugin/src/test/kotlin/androidx/baselineprofile/gradle/consumer/BaselineProfileConsumerPluginTest.kt <> #8
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
The below warning is quite noisy (and IMO unnecessary for patch releases). Could there be a means to suppress this, for example a gradle property?