Bug P2
Status Update
al...@epam.com <al...@epam.com> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
We need to automatically receive results on monthly invoices for various billing accounts. We are not satisfied with the BigQuery approach because we already collect this data in BQ and we need to validate it.
What you expected to happen:
GET request with required parameters list of biilling_account_id and invoice_month (example: ?billing_account_id=billing-account-id-1&biiling_account_id=billing-account-id-2&invoice_month=YYYYMM)
Response should return list of incoives for billing accounts for this invoice month
“invoice_month”: “YYYYMM”,
“invoices”: [
“billing-account-id-1”: {
“subtotal”: xxx.xx,
“tax”: yy.yy,
“total”: zzz.zz,
“currency”: “CUR1”
“billing-account-id-2”: {
“subtotal”: aaaa.aa,
“total”: cccc.cc,
“currency”: “CUR2”
If invoices not ready or not exists, then return “not ready yet or doesn't exist”
Steps to reproduce:
No, its the feature request
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
Its not possible to automaticaly download csv report for invoice month for choosen billing account. It was one of possible solution, but we have to do it automaticaly.
And also documentation provide only one way for control billing is using BigQuery.