Status Update
bl...@google.com <bl...@google.com> #2
- Summary: The Directory API's users.list method is inconsistently returning a nextPageToken when using the query parameter, and the starts with operator is not working for the orgDepartment field.
- Tags:
,directory-api ,users-list ,next-page-token ,query-parameter ,org-department starts-with-operator
Additional resources:
https://issuetracker.google.com/savedsearches/566232?hl=it https://developers.google.com/drive/api/reference/rest/v3/files/list https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/.../manage-users https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/.../list https://stackoverflow.com/.../want-admindirectory-users-list-more-then-500... https://stackoverflow.com/.../drive-list-files-doesnt-have-nextpagetoken-wh... https://stackoverflow.com/.../how-to-resolve-the-missing-information-probl...
I am working on a POC where I am trying implement webhook mechanism for getting file related events in Google Drive. To achieve this result I am using "activities.watch" method from Reports API. In the guides page(https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reports/v1/guides/push ) it is mentioned that these push notifications are not 100% reliable and some notifications might be missed.
To handle this scenario, I am implementing a polling solution using "activities.list" method from Reports API to get Drive activities for last 1 minute. By polling the activities.list method I should be able to get those activities which might have been missed from the push notifications.
The POC which I am working on needs to get Google Drive file related events such as file created/edited/uploaded and analyze these files for further processing and this has to be done in almost real time(with 1-2 minutes of event occurrence).
I would like to confirm couple of things, so could you please answer following questions,
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!