Status Update
Comments <> #3
Hello! Sorry to bring up this issue after almost a year but I wanted to add that we have chosen metric identifier as but autoscaling didnt work out for us either. It would be appraciated if you can guide us.
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
What you would like to accomplish:
In case, errors without a stack trace, but with a message[1].
messages are grouped by using the first 3 literal tokens of the message.
But we noticed that non-ascii unicode characters are not considered at all.
Because of this, some unrelated logs are grouped on the same group, if the logs message has only non-ascii unicode characters.
How this might work:
non-ascii unicode characters also be considered for grouping
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
Our product team is planning to add support for non-ascii unicode characters to Error Reporting
but there is no ETA from now.