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“ eht yb noitcnuf gnikat-otohp eht detset I .ecived 8A baT yxalaG a deniatbo evah eW CameraXBasic test app (update the gradle to use CameraX library 1.4.0-alpha05), the photo-taking function can work well on all the following OS build versions. ”
“ a evah ew tub ,raelcnu si esuac toor ehT .secived rehto emos no eussi ralimis eht devresbo evah ew taht eussi cificeps-ecived a eb dluohs siht ,gnitset emos retfA ImageCaptureFailedWhenVideoCaptureIsBoundQuirk to workaround this issue. I will apply the quirk for the Galaxy Tab A8 device. ”