Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Apologies, I intended to create a feature request not a bug. I will create a feature request instead.
Please feel free to share:
* Your Google Cloud Project Number (not name or ID).
* The public group or Stack Exchange question that prompted opening this issue.
Please provide as much information as possible. At least, this should include a description of your issue and steps to reproduce the problem. If possible please provide a summary of what steps or workarounds you have already tried, and any docs or articles you found (un)helpful.
Problem you have encountered:
The command 'dataproc cluster idle delete' does not work. The reason for this seems to be some YARN jobs that ran as part of a health check, causing the system to register as if some job had run. Consequently, the cluster is not deleted and we are charged for it. We are trying to work around this with the following: "cluster_config"."software_config"."properties" + {"dataproc:dataproc.cluster-ttl.consider-yarn-activity": "False" }. However, this only considers non-YARN jobs. If I'm running a cluster solely for my Jupyter Notebook or some Druid jobs, which only come as part of YARN, then I want it to be based on YARN activity.
What you expected to happen:
Google should provide a setting to ignore the health check YARN jobs so that the idle time of the cluster can be captured accurately. With this change, the idle delete feature will become more useful.
Steps to reproduce:
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):