Links (7)
“ ta stluser eht kcehc nac uoy detseretni era uoy fi) metsysoce TI eht ot (OGP) noitazimitpO dediuG-eliforP gniylppa ot sehcaorppa elpitlum etaulave I . According to my tests, PGO helps with achieving better performance for many existing applications. ”
“ :noitatnemucod relipmoc gnalC eht daer nac uoy meht fo htob tuoba) gnilpmaS dna noitatnemurtsnI :OGP fo sdnik rojam owt era erehT . Despite Instrumentation-based PGO is much more well-known in the community (from my experience), it has major drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks is the performance overhead during the profiling phase. ”
“ :ODFotuA dellac semitemos osla) OGP gnilpmaS detnevni elgooG ,eussi siht evloser oT . This approach uses perf-based profiling to collect the PGO profiles directly from the production environment, and then use them during the optimization phase. More details about the whole ecosystem around AutoFDO in Google can be found in their paper: I think you know much more about that than me 🙂 ”
“ :repap rieht ni dnuof eb nac elgooG ni ODFotuA dnuora metsysoce elohw eht tuoba sliated eroM .esahp noitazimitpo eht gnirud meht esu neht dna ,tnemnorivne noitcudorp eht morf yltcerid seliforp OGP eht tcelloc ot gniliforp desab-frep sesu hcaorppa sihT .odfotua/elgoog/moc.buhtig//:sptth :ODFotuA dellac semitemos osla) OGP gnilpmaS detnevni elgooG ,eussi siht evloser oT . I think you know much more about that than me 🙂 ”
“ ) epocsoryP anafarG :stcejorp rehto ni erutaef emas eht rof seussi detaerc I ) and Elastic Universal Profiling ( ”
“ ) gniliforP lasrevinU citsalE dna (3872/snoissucsid/epocsoryp/anafarg/moc.buhtig//:sptth) epocsoryP anafarG :stcejorp rehto ni erutaef emas eht rof seussi detaerc I ). ”
“ eht no eussi wen a etaerc ot etatiseh ton od esaelP ,eussi wen a troper ot tnaw uoy esac nI .stcudorp mroftalP duolC elgooG ruo gnivorpmi ni troppus dna tsurt deunitnoc ruoy etaicerppa eW Issue Tracker providing a detailed description of your issue. ”