Status Update
ra...@google.com <ra...@google.com> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. UQ1A.240205.002)
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/bug-report#bugreportdevice
Alternate method
Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Note: Please upload the bug report to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. UQ1A.240205.002)
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method
Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Note: Please upload the bug report to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #3
Thanks for getting back to me. The issue was found on both Android and
Windows devices.
Device Used: Realme C30
Android Build: 11
Browser: Yandex and Firefox
Alternative Device: Windows 10
Yandex on Android 11 screenshot has been attached.
On Thu, May 2, 2024, 9:00 AM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
Windows devices.
Device Used: Realme C30
Android Build: 11
Browser: Yandex and Firefox
Alternative Device: Windows 10
Yandex on Android 11 screenshot has been attached.
On Thu, May 2, 2024, 9:00 AM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
ra...@google.com <ra...@google.com> #4
It looks like you are raising an issue as an Android user, rather than an Android Open Source Developer.
For user support, please see the
For Pixel phone support, please see the
Support for other devices is provided by the device manufacturers or by the carriers selling those devices,
Tested On: Kaggle.com on Firefox and Yandex browsers.
Screenshot has been attached.