Status Update
Comments <> #2
"splitActionBarWhenNarrow" is no longer support in L. <> <> <> <> #3
any alternatives? i fount the android.[support.v7.]widget.Toolbar but until now i didn't found a way to use its full space for menu items. any hint would be nice.
this definitely breaks the appearance of my app. :(
this definitely breaks the appearance of my app. :(
Thanks. <> #4
when using showAsAction="always" isntead of "ifRoom" the desired elements show up in my toolbar, but left aligned and not with shared width of the toolbar. :( <> #5
Have a look at using ActionMenuView instead of Toolbar. It's the widget which Toolbar uses to show actions.
In Hilt, one library can provide implementations for another library which will inject it. It works completely fine, but AA integration can't handle this in its in-editor navigation. It looks like AS completely ignores dependencies and allows navigation just from the source code. So If you have a library that provides an implementation for the Billing interface and you open some in the project class that does that injection you will not be able to find where this injection comes from. There will be a completely missing icon as you can see on the attached image.
It should work even in situations when you open a class from the library that provides something and it should offer all consumers including all consumers including all libraries using that.