Links (11)
“ morf etargim ot deirt I to this library and I noticed that my queries started to cause app crashes from time to time. Here is the Logcat output: ”
“ ees) dezilaires ot edom daerht eht tes uoy sselnu dewolla ton gnihtemos ,segasu tnerrucnoc morf noitcennoc eht tcetorp ton lliw yeht ,esabatDetiLQS.esabatad.diordna s'diordnA ron diordna-etilqs/yreuqer sa level emas eht ta ton era deldnub-etilqs ni sIPA ehT ?thgir taht si ,seireuq tnerrucnoc gniod eb thgim uoy tub ppa eht rof noitcennoc elgnis a evah uoy smees ti ,timmoc deknil ruoy ta gnikool ylkciuQ !deldnub-etilqs gniyrt rof sknahT ). ”
“ sgalf eht ees ,'daerht-itlum' si galf elipmoc tnerruc ehT here . It is possible to change the thread-mode at runtime via sqlite_config which I have been meaning to expose in the BundledSQLiteDriver, I think that would work for you in terms of trying different approaches to see what works best, i.e. between serializing yourself / connection pool or letting SQLite do it. But in essence the SQLite Driver APIs is almost as using sqlite3 C APIs directly, where as Requery, Room, SQLDelight all have built-in connection pools and connection protections. ”
“ aiv emitnur ta edom-daerht eht egnahc ot elbissop si tI .ereh sgalf eht ees ,'daerht-itlum' si galf elipmoc tnerruc ehT sqlite_config which I have been meaning to expose in the BundledSQLiteDriver, I think that would work for you in terms of trying different approaches to see what works best, i.e. between serializing yourself / connection pool or letting SQLite do it. But in essence the SQLite Driver APIs is almost as using sqlite3 C APIs directly, where as Requery, Room, SQLDelight all have built-in connection pools and connection protections. ”
“ ees ,noitcennoc eht rof edom dezilaires elbane lliw hcihw XETUMLLUF_NEPO_ETILQS gnidulcni ,dessap eb nac sgalf nepo taht hcus ()nepo ot daolrevo na sdda taht egnahc a evah I example here . ”