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“ tol a depleh oper siht dna eussi ralimis a dah osla I now everything is working as it should. ”
“ ees) degnahc PMK ot sdrager htiw evaheb 2PSK / 2K yaw eht oslA .(esruoc fo repleh emos gnitaerc tuohtiw) rossecorp eht gniylppa fo yaw (enil elgnis) yaw-ysae on si ereht stegrat elpitlum sti dna PMK ot euD .deilppa ylreporp gnieb ton si rossecorp noitatonna s'mooR taht langis a si ti neht devloser eb t'nac ()lpmIetaitnatsni fi emit eht fo tsom ,revewoH New Multiplatform Processing Scheme
) which means that if in KSP1 you applied the processor to all your 'end-targets' you could reference generated APIs from common code, but with KSP2 that is no longer the case and you need to apply the processor only to the common source set, assuming your @Database definition is in the common source set and then reference common generated code from the other non-common sets. ”
“ :eussi siht gnisuac si kniht I hcihw gub PSK a no tnemmoc a edam I ”
“ morf sdliub tohspans htiw os od nac uoy ti etadilav ot regae era uoy fi ,tcejorp PMK a ni mooR gnizilaitini rof ygetarts detadpu eht niatnoc lliw mooR fo esaeler txen ehT ”
“ ) eussi rehtona ot dael nac dna dedeen ton si eurt = nomeaDrelipmoCelbasid.evitan.niltok eht neht x.2 niltoK gnisu fI ). ”