Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for your detailed post.
However, benchmark build type is under configured: at least isProfileable is not set to true for existing build type, probably there's more.
We should set isProfileable = true
by default when overriding an existing benchmark build type.
This issue is not about some specific configuration flag, but the general approach of dealing with external configuration. As a developer adopting baseline profiles, it seems extremely risky to me using a custom configuration due to how it's applied under the hood and the fact it may break default configuration.
I agree that is not great but this is a little tricky to do. For custom baseline profile build types we override all the properties. For benchmark I left it open to configure but it's mostly about these 2 properties:
I don't have a way to see if the user is setting them before overriding, so for this reason, I'd prefer not to. I agree with you that some other properties could be set by default to make this easier, i.e.:
isJniDebuggable = false
isDebuggable = false
isProfileable = true
The reason why I mentioned the release signing config in the beginning is because I want to use debug signing config.
In the specific of your issue, i.e. using a debug certificate can you override the benchmark and baseline profile setting? You should be able to do something like:
android {
buildTypes {
release { ... }
debug { ... }
benchmarkRelease {
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
nonMinifiedRelease {
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
} <> <> #3
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Marcello Albano <
Added override for debuggable and profileable for benchmark builds in bpgp
Expand for full commit details
Added override for debuggable and profileable for benchmark builds in bpgp
Test: ./gradlew :benchmark:benchmark-baseline-profile-gradle-plugin:test
Bug: 369213505
Relnote: "isProfileable is always overridden in benchmark builds,
and isDebuggable is also now always overridden in both benchmark and
nonMinified (baseline profile capture) builds."
Change-Id: I487fa71083921682173f04fcbb477be5baf165f8
- M
- M
Hash: 1906bbe52ba7ccb9ca0e1c1d6de33e7c91b5c6f0
Date: Fri Oct 11 10:07:06 2024 <> <> #4
I've landed a change that will set the following properties also when the benchmark build type already exists:
isJniDebuggable = false
isDebuggable = false
isProfileable = true
As well as the following for agp 8.0:
isDebuggable = false
I'm going ahead and closing this - if you've further questions please answer here and will reopen. Thanks. <> #5
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
androidx.benchmark:benchmark-baseline-profile-gradle-plugin:1.4.0-alpha04 <> #6
Since release signing config is used by default instead of debug
is not mentioned in release notes - maybe this is a bug?
Cause the last time I found it mentioned in the release notes was in version 1.1
signingConfig.debug is used as the default signing config (
) b/153583269
So, if the switch to the release one indeed happened - maybe it's an issue?
Version used: 1.2.4 and 1.3.0-alpha05
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Emulator Pixel 6 API 33
This issue occurs in my project with single flavor dimension, as well as in Now in Android -
To reproduce: execute tasks "generate<Flavor>ReleaseBaselineProfile assemble<Flavor>Release" together.
It also reproduces if you execute single task "assemble<Flavor>Release" with automaticGenerationDuringBuild = true
Error log (from Now in Android):
* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':app:copyDemoReleaseBaselineProfileIntoSrc' (type 'MergeBaselineProfileTask').
- Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '.../nowinandroid/app/src/demoRelease/generated/baselineProfiles'.
Reason: Task ':app:mergeDemoReleaseStartupProfile' uses this output of task ':app:copyDemoReleaseBaselineProfileIntoSrc' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
Possible solutions:
1. Declare task ':app:copyDemoReleaseBaselineProfileIntoSrc' as an input of ':app:mergeDemoReleaseStartupProfile'.
2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':app:copyDemoReleaseBaselineProfileIntoSrc' from ':app:mergeDemoReleaseStartupProfile' using Task#dependsOn.
3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':app:copyDemoReleaseBaselineProfileIntoSrc' from ':app:mergeDemoReleaseStartupProfile' using Task#mustRunAfter.