Status Update
Comments <> #2
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- Summary: The Apps Script application is not working as expected. The first page works, but the second page does not. It is difficult to determine the root cause without additional information.
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Automated by Blunderbuss job workspace-devrel-public-issue-tracker-blunderbuss-autoassigner for config assign for component 191640. <> #4
I have reported this to the engineering team and future updates will be shared here. Thank you for your patience.
A short description of the issue:
Multiple bugs in EmbeddedChartBuilder API. All bugs in the API are denoted with "of course... 🤦", because there are so many. I put them into single ticket as they are related. I also attach the spreadsheet wihich I used for testing the script here:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? If you see error messages, please provide them.
The expected output would be API not crashing randomly and API without race conditions so that the same setter does not need to be executed 10 times to get the colors set once...
Also the error messages are completely generic and not helpful at all.
E.g. "Exception: Unexpected error while getting the method or property get on object Charts.ChartOptions."... well but what exactly is unexpected? No one knows...