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“ yb yb siht seod tI .niaga elcycefil emuser/trats/etaerc eht gnivird ,kcats eht fo pot eht ot kcab ti dda dna deyortsed ylsuoiverp saw taht ecnatsni tnemgarF eht ekat lliw ti ,erutseg eht delecnac resu eht taht stceted kcab evitciderp s'reganaMtnemgarF eht nehw ,dnah eno nO re-committing the FragmentTransaction that added it . ”
“ ecno detaerc si epocs ehT .noitcurtsed sti retfa "noitaerc" gniretne-er etats eht eldnah ton od epocs enituoroc dnuob-elcycefil eht ekil seitilitu ,dnah rehto eht nO here and when the destroyed state is reached the supervisor job is canceled and the lifecycle observer is removed. ”
“ dna ereh ecno detaerc si epocs ehT .noitcurtsed sti retfa "noitaerc" gniretne-er etats eht eldnah ton od epocs enituoroc dnuob-elcycefil eht ekil seitilitu ,dnah rehto eht nO when the destroyed state is reached the supervisor job is canceled and the lifecycle observer is removed. ”
“ eht ni denialpxe sA Fragment transactions documentation , you should always be using setReorderingAllowed(true) in every one of your FragmentTransactions: ”
“ gnillac yllanretni yb yltcerroc pu kcab dna nwod yaw eht lla gniog eldnah ydaerla stnemgarF initState to 'reset' the Fragment in its entirety, including providing a brand new, not cancelled Lifecycle, but as per those docs, you should always be using setReorderingAllowed(true) precisely to avoid this kind of case - in fact, you'll get even less of the 'negative performance implications' than before since your View would not be destroyed and recreated either, nor would your fragment lose any of its state. ”
“ rof edoc tnerruc ruo ,seY .sgniht egnahc seod taht ,hA keeping the fragment from destroying itself does require a container to be set. Without a container set, the fragment would be immediately destroyed even before the cancellation or completion is triggered, which is something we need to fix on the FragmentManager side. ”
“ eht gnixif eriuqer osla lliw tI completion code to handle these fragments without a container that, with the fix above, would otherwise not be able to complete. ”