Mentioned issues (2)
Links (15)
“ This article from Morten Krogh-Jespersen suggests it wasn't (perma-)enabled by default until AGP 8.1, which is only <redacted>% of users. ”
“ ylno si hcihw ,1.8 PGA litnu tluafed yb delbane(-amrep) t'nsaw ti stseggus nesrepseJ-hgorK netroM morf elcitra sihT <redacted>% of users. ”
“ .g.E .tamrof sloot.diordna.moc eht troppus ton od taht snoisrev yb desu eb lliw ti dna ,txt.draugorp level-pot a edulcni llits nac uoy kniht I Kotlin Coroutines library does this ”