In Progress
Status Update
Comments <> #2
having the same issue
Room version > 2.7.0-alpha08
agp = "8.2.2"
kotlin = "2.0.20"
ksp-plugin = "2.0.20-1.0.24"
also Reverting to Room version 2.7.0-alpha07 solves the issue.
Room version > 2.7.0-alpha08
agp = "8.2.2"
kotlin = "2.0.20"
ksp-plugin = "2.0.20-1.0.24"
also Reverting to Room version 2.7.0-alpha07 solves the issue. <> #4
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Daniel Santiago Rivera <
Configure the schema asset android copy task within its register block and not within AGP's wiredWith lambda.
Expand for full commit details
Configure the schema asset android copy task within its register block and not within AGP's wiredWith lambda.
Otherwise the tasks inputs are locked by the time the wiredWith lambda passed to addGeneratedSourceDirector() is invoked and will lead to "property 'inputDirectory' is final and cannot be changed any further".
Bug: 376071291
Test: Manual with sample repro app
Change-Id: I2c9da4855cd31d7df3276424546aba4c53edf7ea
- M
Hash: 1dbb4c1876e1e8a8e930bec4625741ac6dc05a0b
Date: Thu Dec 05 14:21:51 2024 <> #5
I'm having the same problem in my Compose Multiplatform project and I'm using the latest version available 2.7.0-alpha12. The way I found to get around this was by adding the following task to my build.gradle
tasks.matching {"copyRoomSchemasToAndroidTestAssetsDebugAndroidTest") }.configureEach {
enabled = false
But I believe this is not the right thing to do, since I'm hiding the error. Is there another way to solve it or will the library be updated to fix it?
tasks.matching {"copyRoomSchemasToAndroidTestAssetsDebugAndroidTest") }.configureEach {
enabled = false
But I believe this is not the right thing to do, since I'm hiding the error. Is there another way to solve it or will the library be updated to fix it? <> #6
Unfortunately the fix did not make it to the alpha12 release, but it will indeed be in the next release.
Identity sharing API introduced in U lets CCT obtain the identity of the host app (package name). This is now defined in Androidx browser API . On pre-U devices the API is no-op.
Examine the extension of the API so that it would open CCT on pre-U via
which also has the effect of sharing the identity with CCT.Things to consider (feedback from twellington@):
Smoothing over the multiple ways to share an identity for APIs that require via some mechanism in the custom tabs AndroidX API sounds helpful. Need to think through how that could be done without causing breakage, though.
Would the app get a call to #onActivityResult with the request code (0 in this example) when the custom tab is closed?
If so, if the client app is using 0 for something else, that could result in unexpected behavior. Maybe the newer AndroidX Activity Result APIs can smooth that over.
There's also the wrinkle that the app would need to use an Activity Context when launching the intent for #startActivityForResult to work, but we could do an instanceof check for that.