Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Branch: androidx-main
commit a330c0d3bcdd41326f37968a60e6084ad4a2e32c
Author: Chet Haase <>
Date: Wed Jul 05 07:26:46 2023
Convert APIs using PointF to use Float instead
PointF is a convenient mechanism for passing around x.y values
representing 2D points. But there are downsides, including:
- Converting to PointF: You may not have the data in PointF form
to begin with, so using an API which takes PointF requires converting
the data to that form (including allocating a PointF object every time)
- Mutability: Point structures can be mutated internally, causing
unpredictability in what that mutation means. Should the library
react to those changes? Ignore them? Do defensive copies (requiring
even more allocations)? Using primitive types like Float make the
behavior more obvious (by making the data inherently immutable).
- Allocations: Whenever we use object types, there are necessarily
allocations on the Java heap for them. This puts pressure on the GC
at both allocation and collection time. Given the amount of points
being passed around (especially at morph creation time, when curves
are being split and created), this causes a lot of PointF objects to
be allocated (even temporarily). Using Float avoids that problem.
Also fixed bug with unclosed paths causing discontinuity at the
start/end point.
Bug: 276466399
Bug: 290254314
Test: integration and unit tests pass
Relnote: PointF parameters changed to Float pairs
Change-Id: Id4705d27c7be31b26ade8186b99fffe2e2f8450e
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/api/restricted_current.txt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShapeTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasureTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygonTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/ShapesTest.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/androidTest/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/TestUtils.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Cubic.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/CubicShape.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FeatureMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/FloatMapping.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Morph.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/PolygonMeasure.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/RoundedPolygon.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Shapes.kt
M graphics/graphics-shapes/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/Utils.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/DebugDraw.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp-compose/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/testcompose/ShapeEditor.kt
M graphics/integration-tests/testapp/src/main/java/androidx/graphics/shapes/test/MaterialShapes.kt <> #3 <> #4
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed: <> #5
We're still running into this bug, it's pretty problematic as it becomes impossible to differentiate between selectable and unselectable days in the date picker since their colors for each are always the same.
Would really appreciate if someone could look into this! <> #6
To ensure your TextStyles
work correctly with different Material themes, you should avoid setting explicit colors within your TextStyle
definitions. This allows text items to automatically adapt to different themes (light/dark/etc.), provides a more consistent and accessible user experience, and prevents issues caused by hardcoded color values like the sample above has.
Having said that, the DatePicker
and DateRangePicker
are relying on the picker colors
param to set the color for their various parts, and as mentioned above, its doing so with a ProvideTextStyle
and such. @gkauffman - Is it safe to assume that the last comment regarding the selectable and unselectable days is referring to a case where colors were provided through the typography
? <> #7, thank you so much for the help on this. Here's a minimally reproducible example:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
CustomTheme {
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)) {
fun DatePickerTest() {
state = DatePickerState(
selectableDates = object : SelectableDates {
override fun isSelectableDate(utcTimeMillis: Long): Boolean {
// Dates before today are not selectable, and should appear disabled
return utcTimeMillis >= System.currentTimeMillis()
locale = java.util.Locale.getDefault(),
initialDisplayMode = DisplayMode.Picker,
colors = DatePickerDefaults.colors(
containerColor = Color.Red,
selectedDayContentColor = Color.Blue,
disabledDayContentColor = Color.Gray,
fun CustomTheme(
content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
// DatePicker colors only work if the typography line below is commented out
typography = customTypography(),
content = { content() },
fun customTypography() = Typography(
displayLarge = TextStyles.h1(),
displayMedium = TextStyles.h2(),
displaySmall = TextStyles.h3(),
headlineLarge = TextStyles.h1(),
headlineMedium = TextStyles.h2(),
headlineSmall = TextStyles.h3(),
titleLarge = TextStyles.body1Bold(),
titleMedium = TextStyles.body2Bold(),
titleSmall = TextStyles.body3Bold(),
bodyLarge = TextStyles.body1(),
bodyMedium = TextStyles.body2(),
bodySmall = TextStyles.body3(),
labelLarge = TextStyles.body3Bold(),
labelMedium = TextStyles.detail2(),
labelSmall = TextStyles.detail2(),
fun text() = ColorTokens.Text.color()
fun textHushed() = ColorTokens.TextHushed.color()
data class ColorToken(val light: Color, val dark: Color) {
fun color() = if (isSystemInDarkTheme()) dark else light
object ColorTokens {
val Text =
ColorToken(light = Color(0XFF2E2E27), dark = Color(0XFFDBDAC9))
val TextHushed =
ColorToken(light = Color(0XFF707062), dark = Color(0XFFA4A493))
object TextStyles {
fun h1(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
lineHeight = TextUnit(28f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun h2(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
lineHeight = TextUnit(22f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun h3(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
lineHeight = TextUnit(18f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body1(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
lineHeight = TextUnit(22f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body1Bold(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
lineHeight = TextUnit(22f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body2(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
lineHeight = TextUnit(20f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body2Bold(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
lineHeight = TextUnit(20f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body3(color: Color = textHushed()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
lineHeight = TextUnit(18f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun body3Bold(color: Color = text()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
lineHeight = TextUnit(18f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
fun detail2(color: Color = textHushed()) = TextStyle(
fontWeight = FontWeight.Light,
lineHeight = TextUnit(14f, TextUnitType.Sp),
color = color,
If you have the typography = customTypography()
line commented out, the date picker colors work as expected. If you have the typography = customTypography()
line uncommented, the date picker colors do not work properly and all days have the same color regardless of whether they are selectable or not.
As you suspected, we are indeed setting colors within our TextStyle
definitions. We did this because we wanted certain TextStyles to be a certain color by default (e.g. h1 is black but detail2 is dark gray). This has worked well for us up until this DatePicker problem. Open to other ways of setting up our theming though, thanks again for taking a look at this! <> <> #8
Unlike many of our components that just take a slot for a Composable
lambda, the date-pickers have a more complex UI that includes Text
composables that are internal to the component. This is probably the reason you mainly hit this issue with the pickers.
To ensure we give precedence for the colors that are defined at the DatePickerColors
over the colors that are set in the TextStyles
, we will need to adjust the internal Texts
and pass the relevant color via their color
Once this is fixed, it should be available at the following 1.4.x alpha release. <> #9
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Shalom Gibly <
DatePicker colors with typography-defined colors
Expand for full commit details
DatePicker colors with typography-defined colors
Fix the way we apply colors at the DatePicker and the
DateRangePicker when a `Typography` is configured to have TextStyles
with colors.
The change ensures that whatever is set at the DatePickerColors takes
presedence over any color that was set at the Typography's TextStyles.
Fixes: 347031394
Test: Added tests
Relnote: "DatePickerColors now correctly take precedence over any
conflicting colors defined at the theme's Typography text styles.
Also note that this update adjusts the `color` parameter's position in
the date picker functions and introduces a `contentColor` parameter
for customizing the header and title text colors."
Change-Id: I30d0307b11ba2e1a02535928ab4e4131100692a8
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M
Hash: c903f18c4d35096154798f269c249896c057e492
Date: Wed Oct 02 11:27:22 2024 <> #10
Thank you so much for fixing!! Looking forward to using the fix <> #11
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
androidx.compose.material3:material3-linuxx64stubs:1.4.0-alpha02 <> #12
onDismissRequest = onDismiss,
// ...
) {
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentColor provides Color.Black) {
state = datePickerState,
colors = DatePickerDefaults.colors(
containerColor = Color.White,
// subheadContentColor = Color.Whatever,
// ...
Use CompositionLocalProvider. This forces your content to be tinted as specified by LocalContentColor.
Jetpack Compose version: androidx.compose:compose-bom:2024.05.00
Jetpack Compose component(s) used: Material3 DatePicker
Android Studio Build: Android Studio Jellyfish
Kotlin version: 2.0.0
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce: