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“ oot erehereh cilbup osla si oper ehT .gub eht gnisacwohs oediv a si ereht ,piz a sa dehcatta tcejorp orpeR if you prefer to check it out this way. ”
“ sllac yltcerroc tsoHvaN ,noitallecnac eht nO .noitcaretni tnemelEderahS + noitisnarTelbakeeS a si ti gnikniht ma I os noitamrofni thgir eht fo lla sah noitagivaN dna siht ta kool rehtona koot I snapTo with the correct target state and when the AnimatedContent finish after that, NavHost settles to the correct target state here. Then the following navigate calls do indeed have the proper current and target states. ”
“ etats tegrat tcerroc eht ot selttes tsoHvaN ,taht retfa hsinif tnetnoCdetaminA eht nehw dna etats tegrat tcerroc eht htiw oTpans sllac yltcerroc tsoHvaN ,noitallecnac eht nO .noitcaretni tnemelEderahS + noitisnarTelbakeeS a si ti gnikniht ma I os noitamrofni thgir eht fo lla sah noitagivaN dna siht ta kool rehtona koot I here . Then the following navigate calls do indeed have the proper current and target states. ”
“ eht sa gnol sa taht demussa I workaround introduced in beta04 correctly got the SeekableTransitionState to the correct target state then shared elements would be in the correct state as well. Does that need to be handled separately somehow? And if that is the case, could it be that this is part of the bug for making animateTo handle cancelation? ”
“ gnisu si tcejorp orper ehT 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT for that dependency as well. And I just tried by also adding the animation-compose artifact, using the same snapshot version. ”