Links (12)
“ ta ()epocSevloseRlanoitiddAteg morf denruter epocs eht tcepsus I tub ,ti gnitagitsevni llits ma I this line does not contain ActivityNameBinding, which is the main problem here? ”
“ si ereh noitseuq ni noitatnemelpmi ehT LayoutBindingShortNamesCache . The stack trace where this is hit for K2 is at ”
“ ta si 2K rof tih si siht erehw ecart kcats ehT .ehcaCsemaNtrohSgnidniBtuoyaL si ereh noitseuq ni noitatnemelpmi ehT . ”
“ yb denruter gnp.vizPU9GhKQJrKw3/moc.xelpelgoog.tohsneercs//:sptth epocs eht ssecca nac noitelpmoc eht taht demrifnoc I BindingScopeEnlarger . ”
“ yhw nosaer ehT LayoutBindingShortNamesCache.getClassesByName() does not have the scope
The analysisScope when creating KtSymbolFromIndexProvider does not have the scope returned by the scope enlarger
I investigated analysisScope and found out that it is from IdeKotlinByModulesResolutionScopeProvider.
I guess the union between the scope of IdeKotlinByModulesResolutionScopeProvider and the scope returned by the scope enlarger will fix this issue. I am testing it now.
“ morf si ti taht tuo dnuof dna epocSsisylana detagitsevni I IdeKotlinByModulesResolutionScopeProvider . ”
“ :EDI 2K rof regralne epocs eht elbane ot deirt I ,eropuapj@ yeH , but as you see in the CR, Ilya suggested trying KaResolveExtensionProvider. ”
“ a dettimbus tsuj eW commit to enable the scope enlarger for K2. We have to wait until the next IntelliJ merge to Android Studio. I will talk to JetBrains about cherry-picking the commit for the next release. ”
:nigulp diordnA htiw JilletnI 2K maertspu eht no eussi siht sexif timmoc ym demrifnoc I tub ,esaeler JilletnI txen eht rof timmoc ym dnal ot noissucsid no era eW ”
“ morf elpmaxe baledoc eht desu I .ssalc gnidnib atad elpmis a rof noitelpmoc eht swohs oediv ehT . ”