In Progress
Status Update
Comments <> #2
I actually was able just now to configure location accuracy manually via the Android settings UI, so my Pie testing is not completely blocked anymore. Still, these Pie issues will keep tripping me up. I hope they can be fixed. <> <> #3
Thanks for your request. We will investigate this issue and see if we can implement the behavior you've requested. <> #4
As an additional alternative, it should be possible to specify a label in the options for GmailApp.sendEmail().
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow:
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow: <> #5
Are there any news on adding the ability to archive and add a label to specific emails (not threads)? From a corporate shared mailbox perspective auto threading emails by subject is a serious issue (eg. we recive two emails from the same person with same subject but with different description).
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script? <> #6
Looking forward to having this implemented. As has been mentioned automatic threading based on subject is a big no-no for our enterprise. We get automated reports and other documents sent to us by customers and suppliers and they are lumped together in threads making it very difficult for me to let Apps Script process them automatically since labels (i.e. outlook folders) have to be applied to entire threads (even though the messages in these threads often need to be treated differently). <> #7
Please add this function (and message.getlabel too) we need to scan message not only the thread. <> #8
Will there be any progress on this issue? Threading is great for humans, but if you are scripting, accessing and manipulating individual messages is MUCH more important, especially if it can be done from the normal user interface. Anything you can do to the thread you should be able to do at the message level. <> #9
Unassigning <> #10
Activate advanced google services/gmail api and use the gmail api functions.
I have resolved the same issue :)
I have resolved the same issue :) <> #11
Please Read:
Steps to Reproduce Bug:
The Mac Arm Pie (API 28) images have a number of problems and look like they need to be reworked. I am entirely unable to use the images because of issue number 3 below, Google Play APIs related to fused location provider look borked. All these issues are the same on Play Store images vs. Play API images.
I re-downloaded the image and its various Play API vs. Store variations and re-created the emulator configuration several times, but it did not make a difference.
None of the other images from API 26 - API 35 have any of these problems. The Pie image is a bad apple. Can you guys rebuild the image somehow?
The display stops updating at times. App continues running normally, but nothing changes on the emulator screen. For example, I start my app manually from the app drawer, and I see it logging normally, but the display continues to just show the app drawer. This issue looks very similar to b/136032206
Arm Pie Images do not work without setting up an SD Card; device startup gets stuck at showing the spinner that is in place prior to showing device. 6: RESOLUTION_REQUIRED
. A subsequentResolvableApiException.status.startResolutionForResult
does nothing, no error, and nothing on screen. (I don't think this is a problem of display not updating.) I am not able to set location settings manually, accessing anything via the Android Settings UI related to Google Play API location settings seems to hang. This is stuff like whether to use WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS for user location. Essentially my app