Mentioned issues (1)
Support Nullable Primitives or Lint Warning in Typesafe Navigation “ ni enod krow eht ot ralimiS |
Links (8)
“ llac uoy nehw si siht rof nosaer ehT null.toString() , you get a "null" string. And as mentioned in the kdocs, a "null" is converted into a null in reversion to maintain the standard kotlin library behavior. ”
“ eht ni denoitnem sa dnA .gnirts "llun" a teg uoy ,()gnirtSot.llun llac uoy nehw si siht rof nosaer ehT kdocs , a "null" is converted into a null in reversion to maintain the standard kotlin library behavior. ”
“ wen eht aiv sknilpeed dda dluohs uoy ,efas-epyt era sknilpeed erusne ot dnA .ytefas-epyt fo trap si tahT .dewolla ton si eulav llun a ,epyt gnirtS elballun non a eralced ylticilpxe uoy nehw ,seY type-safe deepLink Builder ”
“ snaem llun absence of value , while "" is a value of empty string - they certainly do not both mean "". ”
“ erusne ot troffe s'niltoK stnevmucric fo dnik osla sepyt elballun-non htiw "llun" fo esu xim ehT null safety . My opinion is that it should be avoided. ”