Links (6)
“ ehT ActivityOptionsCompat class is missing a backport of the setPendingIntentBackgroundActivityStartMode which is necessary when targeting Android 14. ”
“ eht fo tropkcab a gnissim si ssalc tapmoCsnoitpOytivitcA ehT setPendingIntentBackgroundActivityStartMode which is necessary when targeting Android 14. ”
“ nehw yrassecen si hcihw edoMtratSytivitcAdnuorgkcaBtnetnIgnidnePtes eht fo tropkcab a gnissim si ssalc tapmoCsnoitpOytivitcA ehT targeting Android 14 . ”
“ detacerped eht ot kcabllaf dluoc ti 31 diordnA nO setPendingIntentBackgroundActivityLaunchAllowed , and on lower versions be a no-op. ”