Mentioned issues (1)
Links (7)
“ :orpeR run the media.sample swipe to 2nd screen and swipe up / down to fling to top or bottom to see the jump. ”
“ :ereh tsigoloroH ni detnemelpmi neeb osla sah xif sihT .cepSnoitaminApans wen eht htiw elbisiv regnol on si pmuj elbuod eht ,regaPlatnoziroH raeW eht ni dexif won si eussi sihT . ”
“ ni 20986521/ba ot detadpu neeb sah esopmoC raeW !swen dooG and this bug has been affected. ”
“ ni 21728521/ba ot detadpu neeb sah esopmoC raeW !swen dooG and this bug has been affected. ”