Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for reaching out to us!
The Product Engineering Team has been made aware of your feature request, and will address it in due course. Though we can't provide an ETA on feature requests nor guarantee their implementation, rest assured that your feedback is always taken very seriously, as it allows us to improve our products. Thank you for your trust and continued support to improve Google Cloud Platform products.
In case you want to report a new issue, please do not hesitate to create a new [Issue Tracker]
Thanks and Regards,
Onkar Mhetre
Google Cloud Support
This will create a public issue which anybody can view and comment on.
Please provide as much information as possible. At least, this should include a description of your issue and steps to reproduce the problem. If possible please provide a summary of what steps or workarounds you have already tried, and any docs or articles you found (un)helpful.
Problem you have encountered:
Denying the usage of the Generative Language API with the use of a organization policy is not permitted.
What you expected to happen:
Being able to deny the usage of the API using organization policy.
Steps to reproduce:
Trying to deny the usage of the using the organization policy.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
There are no per se workarounds, other ways such as blocking the domain of the API or restricting it with the Firewall will still permit it to work.