Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
I have informed our engineering team of this feature request. There is currently no ETA for its implementation.
A current workaround would be to check the returned "boundingPoly" [1] "vertices" for the returned "textAnnotations". If the calculated rectangle's heights > widths, than your image is sideways.
A current workaround would be to check the returned "boundingPoly" [1] "vertices" for the returned "textAnnotations". If the calculated rectangle's heights > widths, than your image is sideways.
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
What you would like to accomplish:
Since the customers are charged by character count, it would be helpful if the customers can have a feature which they can reach whenever they want to track the data usage by character count of their AutoML Translation models.
How this might work:
This implementation might be visible weather through the billinge reports, or through the logs. Another way might be to create a section in Monitoring for this kind of task.
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
The billing reports are very detailed and they are offering detailed information of the current charges, but the reports are only showing the total cost related to the specific SKUs. It would be useful if there were a way to show character count to the customer.
This way, we will also have less reported cases related to this situation.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
The workarounds tried were to see if this is accessible via detailed logs, but this was not a success. The public documentation related to billing reports was consulted, but this can not offer something different.
Looking internally, our resources offer ways for troubleshooting, but they are not offering something like this to share with the customer.
Resources used: