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“ .g.e ,llew sa raBhcraeS esu ot woh tuoba stsop golb ni nees eb nac sihT (disclaimer: I'm not the author of it) has a GIF recording which shows this problem if one observe carefully. ”
“ a sah (ti fo rohtua eht ton m'I :remialcsid) 521a88333b9f-esopmoc-kcaptej-diordna-gnisu-rabppapot-motsuc/aapahtavihs@/moc.muidem//:sptth .g.e ,llew sa raBhcraeS esu ot woh tuoba stsop golb ni nees eb nac sihT GIF recording which shows this problem if one observe carefully. ”
“ golataC lairetaM esopmoC ni melborp a t'nsi sihT SearchBarSamples because the sample is using a Box and a fixed top padding for the list. However, that doesn't work in most real world scenarios e.g. when people need to use Scaffold. ”
“ eht kniht I material-components-android approach for SearchBar , which is to offer SearchBar and SearchView separately, is more flexible and will make it possible to handle layout (and window insets) correctly under all scenarios. ”