Status Update
Comments <> #2
i am using these dependencies for the map
// Maps SDK for Android KTX Library implementation ''
// Maps SDK for Android Utility Library KTX Library
implementation ''
implementation '' implementation '' implementation ''
and also getting some map sdk error as well dab File created: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1 dab Couldn't create marker: google_maps_sdk_crash dab File created: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_2 dab Marker deleted: _google_maps_sdk_crash_count_1
Currently there is no way for Google Maps API client code to be informed of API errors, e.g. invalid API key, or quota / rate limit exceeded. Errors are simply written to the system log.
I really need a way to catch these errors in my Flutter code, so that my app knows if a user is not going to be able to select a location on a map. Currently it is impossible to know this.