Status Update
Comments <> #2
Automated by Blunderbuss job android-credential-manager-autoassigner for config android_credman_config for component 1301097. <> #3
The error you posted state "activity is cancelled by the user". This implies the request was cancelled somehow during the request.
Can you grab a bugreport and attach it to this bug? <> <> #4
Jerry, could you please create an internal shadowed bug and assigned that one to me instead of the public one? Thanks.
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest a feature enhancement for the Credential Manager in Android. As a user, I find the Passkey management system very useful. However, I believe that adding a search functionality within the Passkey section would greatly improve user experience.
Currently, managing and locating specific passkeys can be time-consuming, especially for users with multiple saved credentials. A search bar or filter option would enable users to quickly find and access the specific passkey they need, thereby streamlining the process and enhancing overall usability.
I believe this small but significant addition would be greatly appreciated by many users and would further enhance the efficiency of the Credential Manager.
Thank you for considering my suggestion. I look forward to seeing this feature in future updates.
Best regards,
[Shayan HZ]