Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
Thank you for the report with a reproduction. I can confirm it's reproduced:
src/main/java/com/example/slacklintinvestigation/MainActivity.kt:41: Error: androidx.compose.runtime.EffectsKt.LaunchedEffect is deprecated; consider using an alternative. [DeprecatedCall from slack-lint]
LaunchedEffect(key1 = "some") {
Explanation for issues of type "DeprecatedCall":
Using deprecated classes is not advised; please consider using an
Vendor: slack
Identifier: slack-lint
It's supposed to be:
fun LaunchedEffect(
key1: Any?,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
) { ... }
but resolved to:
@Deprecated(LaunchedEffectNoParamError, level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
fun LaunchedEffect(
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
): Unit = error(LaunchedEffectNoParamError)
So... seems like the same root cause as <> #4
Thank you for your patience while our engineering team worked to resolve this issue. A fix for this issue is now available in:
- Android Studio Ladybug Feature Drop | 2024.2.2 Canary 8
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.8.0-alpha08
We encourage you to try the latest update.
If you notice further issues or have questions, please file a new bug report.
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback — we really appreciate it! <> #5 <> #6
Same happening for SliderDefaults.Track with AGP 8.8.0-rc02. I am not using the deprecated one but still getting
../../src/main/java/path/to/project/presentation/ui/component/chat/MyComponent.kt:149: androidx.compose.material3.SliderDefaults.Track is deprecated; consider using an alternative.
146 onValueChange = { value = it },
147 valueRange = 0f..audioDuration,
148 track = { sliderState ->
149 SliderDefaults.Track(
150 modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp),
151 sliderState = sliderState,
152 drawStopIndicator = null,
153 thumbTrackGapSize = 0.dp,
154 colors = SliderColors( <> <> #7
I've submitted a fix that I expect will fix this which will be available in the next canary (Ladybug Feature Drop 2024.2.2 Canary 2).
Note that I haven't been able to reproduce this locally, unfortunately, so the fix is speculative. I've been able to reproduce scenarios where resources are folded to ...
instead of the actual resource value, but clicking (or Ctrl+clicking) on them always expands them. But the fix I've made actually now will start resolving the resource values correctly, so the appropriate values will be displayed. Since the reports we've received of this bug all involve the "missing" resource values that are replaced with ...
, I'm hopeful this will make the problem a non-issue.
Please let us know if you run into this again on Ladybug Feature Drop 2024.2.2 Canary 2 or a later build. <> #8
Thank you for your patience while our engineering team worked to resolve this issue. A fix for this issue is now available in:
- Android Studio Ladybug Feature Drop | 2024.2.2 Canary 2
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.8.0-alpha02
We encourage you to try the latest update.
If you notice further issues or have questions, please file a new bug report.
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback — we really appreciate it!
In code when there is occurrence like R.string.sth it is usually folded to ... (3 dots, usually in parenthesis) - like in attached screenshot.
Previously single click or sometimes double click was revealing full definition allowing to edit it. Now it is often stuck and do not expand it. Sometimes it reveals as previously.
Build: AI-241.18034.62.2411.12071903, 202407102313
AS: Koala | 2024.1.1 Patch 1
AI-241.18034.62.2411.12071903, JRE 17.0.11+0--11852314x64 JetBrains s.r.o., OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 2400.0x1350.0, 1920.0x1080.0
Android Gradle Plugin: 8.5.1
Gradle: 8.7
Gradle JDK: Amazon Corretto 21.0.3
NDK: from (not specified), latest from SDK: 20.1.5948944
CMake: from (not specified), latest from SDK: 3.6.0-rc2, from PATH: (not found)