Links (3)
“ ) ppc.gifnoc_lgume/lgnepo/diordna/crs/tini-lg-umea/seludom/iu-diordna/diordna/umeq/lanretxe ni upg_erawdrah_nakluv_teg_gifnoClgume eb ot smees ecalp citamelborp ehT .elacs ym ta seussi esuac ot smees hcihw (rorre eht morf nees sa) dellac era sIPA nakluV emos sselehtreven tub ,stohspans esu ot elba eb ot redro ni nakluV fo nrut ot nakluV- erutaef- htiw srotalume eht gninnur m'I taht si eussi eht tub ,esle htms ro yrarbil nakluv upg eht ni melborp a eb dluoc ti ylekil tsoM .snoisses gnideeccus eht tceffa ot mees od hcihw ) ”
“ ) c.iu-nommoc-niam morf emoc ot smees sihT ) which does not seem to honour the feature flag (eventually Vulkan is not used since lower in the logic it does check the override state, but that could have been done at the very start to avoid the confusing log messages). ”