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Comments <> <> #2
I have one question related to Google translate API. but it is not related to this issue.
When i am trying to access Google Translate API using javascript when the query string size is around 13000 characters i am getting server response error code 400. Can you please let me know what is the request size limit if any exist.
When i am trying to access Google Translate API using javascript when the query string size is around 13000 characters i am getting server response error code 400. Can you please let me know what is the request size limit if any exist. <> #3
according to Google API FAQ
The maximum size of each text to be translated is 5000 characters, not including any HTML tags.
according to Google API FAQ
The maximum size of each text to be translated is 5000 characters, not including any HTML tags. <> #4
N/A <> #5
I also have a same problem some html tags who are divided in few tags , and it's problematic .. there is some news about it ??
We would like to provide our users with a better experience, as we are showing jobs with more than weeks or months open right now, and we know that most of these jobs are not open anymore, or already with candidates being interviewed.
So, we saw this custom ranking feature and we are trying to use it, but we are not having any change in the results, it looks like the feature is not working, at least for us.
We would like to get more information about this, or maybe share part of our code, or even receive an example of how to do this through the API.
This is part of the filters that we are sending (we are using PHP SDK, but I'm trying to parse here the parameters as string to send on this message):
'maxPageSize' => 20,
'offset' => 0,
'searchMode' => 1,
'jobQuery' => 'software developer',
'jobView' => 4,
'keywordMatchMode' => 2,
'orderBy' => 'custom_ranking desc',
'diversificationLevel' => 2,
'customRankingInfo' => '(date_posted * 0.75) + (relevance * 0.25)'
I tried even with custom ranking importance level EXTREME, and no result changed.
We were assuming that the issue could be with the custom_attribute, as date_posted isn't a custom attribute, and date posted isn't numerical either.
But then we created a custom attribute, with a numerical value, and even trying to filter with this new attribute, it's not working. So we don't know what to do or test right now.
I appreciate your help.