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“ :IPA ssenisuB yM elgooG eht ni pu deldnub won era daerht siht ni denoitnem stnemeriuqer eht fo emos taht gniton htrow si tI ”
“ ) elcitra siht rep sa ,elpmaxe roF .siht rof sesu dilav/doog sseltnuoc era erehT ), "Recently I was asked whether it would be possible to produce a map displaying all businesses and non-profits with unclaimed Google Map listings within a geographic region such as a city. This information would be used as part of an economic development initiative that is being considered." So the use case is to identify unclaimed local listings to inform municipal economic growth projects and opportunities. There are countless other such good uses for the information. ”
“ ) dohtem hcraes a sah sIPA eliforP ssenisuB eht fo trap si taht IPA noitamrofnI ssenisuB ehT
:uoy fo emos ot tseretni fo eb yam sihT ) that returns claiming information. ”