Links (15)
“ os od ot spets rof noitseuq wolfrevokcats eht ot rewsna ym ees ,rotalume no krow 2v spam edam ev'I ,syug yeH ”
“ ) noitatnemucod elgooG ni spets lla dewollof ev'I .(noisrev tsetal eht ot detadpu tsuj) 6 rev secivreS yalP elgooG htiw 71 level IPA 2.2.4 diordnA gnisu m'I .(raazab-aiv-secivres-yalp-elgoog-etadpu-uoy-sselnu-nur-tnow-ppa-siht/34919631/snoitseuq/moc.wolfrevokcats//:ptth) knil tsrif eht ni detacidni melborp emas eht evah I and but nothing. When I execute google map demo application I have this error message: ”
“ dna wzHNtZZNOwoSyJbjf9EA-lfHnwprV_7dLVC-PKvzQn91=di?bup/tnemucod/moc.elgoog.scod//:sptth) noitatnemucod elgooG ni spets lla dewollof ev'I .(noisrev tsetal eht ot detadpu tsuj) 6 rev secivreS yalP elgooG htiw 71 level IPA 2.2.4 diordnA gnisu m'I .(raazab-aiv-secivres-yalp-elgoog-etadpu-uoy-sselnu-nur-tnow-ppa-siht/34919631/snoitseuq/moc.wolfrevokcats//:ptth) knil tsrif eht ni detacidni melborp emas eht evah I ) but nothing. When I execute google map demo application I have this error message: ”
“ ) oiraM ), try to run emulator from command line like this: ”
“ no ".secivres yalP elgooG edulcni mroftalp sIPA elgooG eht fo snoisrev rehgih dna 2.2.4 diordnA ylnO :etoN" egap laiciffo ot gnidrocca won troppus si ereht tuB .(siht dnuora krow ot rotalume gnikaewt sselnu) rotalume no detroppus ton erew secivres yalP elgooG ecnis ,rotalume no detroppus ton erew spaM ”
“ morf "rotalume eht edisni nur won nac semag LGnepO ruoy ,0.2 SE LGnepO gnitroppus won er’ew ecnis ,sunob a sA" gniyas (?elgoog morf) egap a si ereh tuB .lla ta srotalume no detroppus ton saw 0.2 SE LGnepO taht dias saw ti dna ,srotalume no troppus 0.2 SE LGnepO tuoba snoissucsid fo tol a osla erew ereht . So confused! ”