Status Update
Comments <> #2
What SDK is this related to?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
This happens on the Android SDK.
After doing more testing, I noticed that the slow call was actually BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(). This method also becomes unpredictable (in terms of run time) after a few hundred calls. I was able to work around this by only generating a BitmapDescriptor once for each marker, but the method should probably run faster anyhow.
After doing more testing, I noticed that the slow call was actually BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(). This method also becomes unpredictable (in terms of run time) after a few hundred calls. I was able to work around this by only generating a BitmapDescriptor once for each marker, but the method should probably run faster anyhow. <> #4
Any update on this?
I'm currently batch-adding a few hundred MarkerOptions to the map and it takes about 500ms for 250 markers.
In the maps V1 we could batch add many and call populate() once to make them visible. I think a similar approach would be helpful since it seams that each add/remove triggers a whole bunch of stuff in the background!
I'm currently batch-adding a few hundred MarkerOptions to the map and it takes about 500ms for 250 markers.
In the maps V1 we could batch add many and call populate() once to make them visible. I think a similar approach would be helpful since it seams that each add/remove triggers a whole bunch of stuff in the background! <> #6
Any update on this issue? It's been over 2 years. I would really like to see this fixed or at least improved. It affects basically every single app that displays dynamic data. It should be unacceptable to have this scroll chunkiness when displaying only 20-100 markers when we have the processing power we have now on modern devices, right? I'm assuming the reason this is a technical challenge is because the V2 API is using some kind of IPC-call-per-map-mutation that's adding a huge hit for every 'round trip'. I can imagine it's hard to fix, but there has to be SOME solution to be able to change map data and keep a decent frame rate. Currently the only way to keep 60fps smooth scrolling is to just never change the data on the map.
Thanks! <> #7
Any updates about this ?
Still an issue at August 2016.
At least please provide a way to let us update the data of the map in "one-step", that means without having to call many addMarker and removeMarker, making the refresh slower and slower as biggest is the number of elements to refresh.
Thanks for any update about this.
Still an issue at August 2016.
At least please provide a way to let us update the data of the map in "one-step", that means without having to call many addMarker and removeMarker, making the refresh slower and slower as biggest is the number of elements to refresh.
Thanks for any update about this. <> <> #8
A significant amount of time in the GoogleMap.addMarker() call stack, about 30%, is spent in String.format(). It's not clear what the code is doing that it needs to be formatting strings while adding a marker to the map, but there almost certainly can be some optimizations done to significantly speed up this operation. I'm using the android-map-utils library for clustering markers and the behavior is to remove and add markers to the map on every map movement. So the performance of GoogleMap.addMarker() is vital to the performance of the map in our app.
Google Pixel 3 XL
Android 9.0 Pie
Google Play Services 14.3.67 (100400-216465562)
Google Pixel 3 XL
Android 9.0 Pie
Google Play Services 14.3.67 (100400-216465562) <> #9
hacking emergency helpline
Dear developers,
The Maps SDK for Android has recently received a major overhaul, now available in Beta, which made many bugs and feature requests inapplicable or obsolete.
We believe that the issue or feature request reported here has been fixed or is inapplicable with this new release, and therefore closed this report.
You can give this new release of the SDK a try by following the steps in our migration guide [ ].
This is a beta release, and we rely on your feedback in the new component of our Issue Tracker [ ] to help us exit beta as quickly as possible with a healthy, happy, bug-free SDK.
The full announcement for this new release is available on our blog at .
Thank you,
The Google Maps Platform team
The Maps SDK for Android has recently received a major overhaul, now available in Beta, which made many bugs and feature requests inapplicable or obsolete.
We believe that the issue or feature request reported here has been fixed or is inapplicable with this new release, and therefore closed this report.
You can give this new release of the SDK a try by following the steps in our migration guide [
This is a beta release, and we rely on your feedback in the new component of our Issue Tracker [
The full announcement for this new release is available on our blog at
Thank you,
The Google Maps Platform team