Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
I've transitioned from this team. Thanks!
There a developer suggested in a comment to use the Embed API for this purpose until support for this is implemented in the JS API.
The Embed API is usable for this in place mode, because it highlights the area of the place searched, the only problem is it places a big white infobox on the map which often covers a considerable part of the map and is unnecessary for this usage.
Please add an option to the embed api to hide this infobox. The above use case refers to place mode, but hiding the infobox may be useful in other modes too, so you may want to consider adding this option for all modes, not just for place mode.