Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> #3
Using the generator icon of google maps utils, with the default order ( zindex ) of markers, weird or unsightly effects could appear, when mixing generated icons markers and default or customs markers, when the generated icons are rotated, which it is one of its mayor advantages.
If we could change the markers zindex these effects could be avoided .
I Attach an example using the generator icon and some custom markers.
If we could change the markers zindex these effects could be avoided .
I Attach an example using the generator icon and some custom markers. <> #4
I upload a better an example. <> #9
Markers now support zIndex, as of the June 2016 release of the Google Maps Android API!
See the release notes here:
See the release notes here:
MarkerOptions doesn't have a zIndex like PolylineOptions and PolygonOptions do. I've noticed that gmaps v3 has maker zIndex as well.
The omission is causing some problems in my project as it works on a layer system and markers are not respecting their position on the stack.