Status Update
Comments <> <> <> <> <> <> <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case.
Hello. I am currently doing a project for work where we provide maps for our clients of their locations around the country or even a map of their campus at individual locations.
When it comes to providing a map of the campus buildings, the problem that I run into is that at the zoom level that is defaulted when showing all of the campus buildings, the actual outlines of the buildings does not show. We put a marker in the spot that becomes clickable but visually we need the outline of the building.
I can't have it zoom in any more otherwise some of the markers/buildings will no longer be visible. What I have been having to do then is for each building, create a Polyline fill. This adds on 30min to an hour depending on the number of buildings and the complexity of the building shapes.
Thank goodness for encoding, but it would be awesome if the building outlines would just automatically show, or, if it could be specified, that they show.
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