Feature Request P2
Status Update
je...@gmail.com <je...@gmail.com> #3
Would you be able to provide an example app which produces an error for which gcloud doesn't report, but appcfg.py does?
pv...@google.com <pv...@google.com> #4
In this case it is not app specific, The 400 error is due to quota of the application versions being over the limit which is 10 (but for this specific project it has been increased to 60). So any project with more than 10 versions will experience this.
live before making it the default application.
However, as presently configured, it appears that any version of an App
Engine application can be publicly accessed, since the Live URI follows a
predictable pattern: <version>.latest.<appname>.
consequence of this is that a partially-developed version of an application
can be viewed by an interested outside party before it is ready for
Clearly, there could be a number of reasons that a developer would not want
such unfinished code to be publicly accessed. For example, the less tested
code might contain errors that would make it vulnerable to manipulation,
exposing the application's datastore, or allowing a spammer to hijack the
system to send unsolicited email. Also, some developers might not want to
expose unreleased new features to potential competitors.
One partial solution to this would be to replace the word "latest" in the
non-default URL with a GUID that would be exposed only to the developers by
the version display's permissioned interface. This would allow the non-
default version's URL to remain on the public Internet for realism during
testing, while at the same time protecting the development versions from
access by the general public.