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“ ) stekcoS beW stnemelpmi won 5 irafaS ). Go for Web Sockets! and uses the same protocol but will support the newer version soon. ”
“ noisrev rewen eht troppus lliw tub locotorp emas eht sesu gro.eanoohpyt.dirbyh//:ptth dna moc.topsppa.dirbyh-eanoohpyt//:ptth !stekcoS beW rof oG .(57-locotorptekcosbeweht-eixih-tfard/lmth/gro.ftei.sloot//:ptth) stekcoS beW stnemelpmi won 5 irafaS soon. ”
“ .resworb eht ni emarfi gnisu llits si noitatnemelpmi taht tub :nlhtamak ”